Thursday, October 8, 2009

CS Party~!

It has been our second week of CS party in our complex :) People from Block A travel from their houses to Block B..(not that far) The competition is tight.So far theres been 3 games played and Block A won them all :) Will Block B improve and finally defeat Block A?A time for revenge?
Here is a screenshot at the end of each game :D

Game 1

Block A was terrorists and Block B was counter terrorists.I joined counter terrorists because imbalance and the game was over anyway :) This was a round after the last round.

Game 2

Our turn to Counter-Terrorists :O

Game 3

In game 3,Danial,Fikri left and it was the end of the round so..

Well,in game 3,Block B has improved a lot in strategies and we were stressed out at the first games since we kept on losing :/ So...After losing 3 rounds in a row,Block B players has sworn revenge that they will win on the next game.Which is tommorow :O I'll tell you the results after tommorows game :D

Until then, Good luck people of Block B


Note: Notice the last 2 games i still have M4 on :)