Thursday, December 3, 2009


One day,I was told that i was going to live in Sudan and suffer because it is hot.I went there and saw my tomb where i'll live and die there.The very first thing i saw was Harry Potter.He looked exactly like him in the first movie of the Harry Potter series.Especially the hair.I went to this party thing and met some people that shared the same fate like i did.(we don't see these people much anymore)Then,without noticing i've lived in Sudan for a day!Splendid,only 2 years are countless days left till i'll leave.When i was busy playing Runescape,Harry Potter came and invite me playing football.It is weird why he plays football,he should be at Hogwarts killing Voldemort's minions and stuff.Later on,I got his name,Afiq.So I'll stop talking about Harry Potter stuff for the rest of the blog.Hell,I'm not gonna right the whole of my life so far till now.Leeeeeeeeet's move on.


and then i arrived at a place called Petronas Complex..


Enough with the flashbacks...'s hard to explain but i'll explain in pictures.Everyone loves pictures.Especially WoW pics :D

The day we met (Click to enlarge photos)

We had some good laughs

Had fun together with other friends

Got into stick,weird,akward,busted situations

Eventually,as time flies..

You just left us..Gone and never to come back.
or maybe it is just me...


Then..You just live in our memories,lurking in the shadows until you finally fade away.

That saves me some time than writing stuff that people copy in the internet.
Originality ftw!!

While doing all this,i just remembered about some other people that left.(Zhareef,Izzy) make it up for it,I made something special.

[This spot is intended for Izzy and Zhareef]

Well there ya go lol....

