Monday, March 15, 2010


From the day i was forced to move into Sudan,i thought my life was officially ruined.I always thought living in Sudan would just a boring and dull country.But i was dead wrong.It was never like as i imagined.Well...part of it anyway..But instead living here in Sudan was really exciting.I never had realised it until now.I've met many great people in where i lived and the school isn't as different.They're kinda cool and they sure know how to party.That day when i left Sudan for good,all i did was smile,but behind that smile was a frown and sadness that im going to leave such an awesome country.The family day was a great touch of goodbye for me and just good enough to make me not forget about the days i lived in Sudan.Well,thats it guess..

Thus,this ends the tale of a boy who had lived in Sudan.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A reminder

Today while i was at school,in Biology class,my 'professional colleagues' are presenting a presentation about population.At first I thought it was going to be a boring lesson listening to stuff we can get off a textbook.But,it turns out that there are some facts that i never knew that can influence the population.Then they showed us yeast in a cone flask.It shows that the population is getting bigger.After sometime the yeast stopped multiplying and eventually dies from its own waste products.In THAT moment i realized of us,Human beings.The cone flask is our Mother Earth,and the yeast is us,we keep on multiplying and use up all food resources until we ran out of it.Slowly everyone dies like the yeast and eventually the cone flask is washed away,soon it is Earth that will be washed and clean all of our mess that we created.
Earth will be obliterated.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Isn't the title enough for you?