Wednesday, April 16, 2008

1 week

Its been a week since i stayed here.I'm getting used to things around here except the language.I can't speak arab!!!-_-' One day I went to the shop,i want to buy some matches for cooking.SO,I asked him for the matches.He doesn't understand so I have to show him some hand signal then he was like ohhhhhhh...
I will be schooling there on August.Yay!4 months of freedom!I can finish all the games if i want to!I don't want actually.I heard the school has a rugby club but it has been banned because of n00bs doesn't know how to play rugby.

I met up with a few friends here.They are nice.But i still miss my old friends.TAT
I hope you all can figure what F 'n' B means.
Until then..Bye!


.:afiq;patchi:. said...

x update blog ko ke??

NurSuraya said...

whoa kid...
beautiful english dude...
almost as good as...oh i dunno...
me?? ahahahah!!!
wanna steal my spotlight, kid?
oh wait...zahid huh?
new kid? blk i?
well, wlcm...
but..haha..i'm not even there anymore;)

Izzana said...

Sora do you even know dis guy?... (not to be rude Zahid)

NurSuraya said...

*shakes head*...
not one single bit...
no offense whats-ur-name...

❋amber said...
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❋amber said...

su!!!stop dreaming mannnn!!!
izzy u're do u even noe him??haha:D
btw suraya, beautiful eng????
like u???haha:D
do u mean me?
suraya miss u lahh!cum back!
sorry i'm like disturbing u're blog zahid.

Izzana said...

Ape la Sora ni..... (saye pon x knal sbnrnye :P kenal dari kawan er)

.... gee... nanti comments2 ni jadi chat kng :P

.:afiq;patchi:. said...

kalo x knl jngan ah komen
rilex all