Friday, September 11, 2009

Going To School~!

In Sudan,ramadhan is a special month,the month of blessings,our school understands this.So every lesson had deducted 10 mins than normal time :D! Ever since this month,how i prepare to school is really different compared to normal days..First off, Sahur!We wake up early to eat as to "pack our stomach" so that we'll last the whole day without food and drinks,and other..stuff..

So it all started at Sahur!Where I,should be awake to get the food <3

zzZZZZzzZZzZzZzZzz...Still sleeping..hmm..WAKE UP~!!@@@@@SAHURRR~!!@@


After all of that been through,I read the Quran about 4 or 8 pages or i go back to sleep.
Time to prepare to go to school!When I wake up,I always take a shower to keep me fresh and clean unlike someone (Aiman).

No Peeping~!

After being washed up,i go and get dressed..While doing that..

Wearing my uniform in front of my mirror and thinking how cool i am..Thinking about the stuff of what will i do today and think more of how cool i am...Really..-_-;
Getting dressed is the easy part,well after taking a cold shower and now being nice and warm in my clothes,it's so hard to keep myself awake.Eventually...


Then after a few minutes,i wake up and packed my books for today's lesson,making sure all of that is done i took a picture of it to prove it to ya'll~!

Oooooh hell yeaahhh~!@

This is it,beyond that door,i will..make history..But..i don't take history..But i'm sure you'll know what i mean..*dramatic drumroll*

After opening the door and putting on my shoes,only to find out that today's a holiday..

Me: Oh crap...

So I went emo and took a picture of me and put it up on myspace so that me and someone can make an emo picture display on myspace(lol)

Well,thats all about me on how i always get ready while going to school.Thanks for reading and please remember the date and day before getting prepared to school -.-



aisy said...
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aisy said...

ur funnyn kid!! keep it up.:)

Izzana said...

who's aisyah?

um... dis reminds me to do my homework...

Ahmad Zaid said...

cbok je izzy nih~
skati dya ar nk comment kt cni~

Arthur B. Tawie said...

Lolz, emo? You looked comfortable alright...And how can you get sleepy when taking a cold shower???